The Lost Spider-Man Episode

I remember that when I was a little kid, I used to LOVE the old Spider-Man cartoon. Now I see it as cheesy (and terrifying), but mostly cheesy. Not that much violence, until I saw this episode. I had bought it off an anonymous seller on craigslist, saying he had all the episodes of the series burned onto this one CD, including the beginning of the third season, which was never aired. I felt giddy with joy over this, and, any any person with nostalgic feelings would, I bought it for the cheap price of $4.50. As I returned home, I felt so excited that I nearly crashed into a fire hydrant. Whoa. I ran down stairs to my Xbox 360, popped the CD in and hoped it would read. It did. "Thank god!".
As I watched the episodes, some things were wrong. Low quality, mainly. He did say he burned them onto a CD, so the quality was gonna be crappy. I watched the season finale of Season 2, and moved on to Season 3. It was titled "The Death Of Spider-Man" and there was no intro. Rather, just a still image of Venom ripping Spider-Man's eye out. He was missing teeth, and the world looked abysmal. Shocked, I continued watching. It began with Spider-Man being dropped off in this new world, where Mary Jane was supposed to be in. It was sad to see the city like this, being a New York native myself. Red sky, with it raining blood, I suppose.
What else is red and a liquid? Spider-Man continued swinging, until he found Venom. I nearly vomited as the next scene flashed into the TV. Mary Jane being eaten and torn in half by Venom, who was covered in fresh blood. It looked like as if I would touch it, I would get blood on my hands. Venom threw her aside, and spoke in Latin. I took Latin when I was in high school. He roughly said that "god is dead" and that "the world as you know it is over". This is where the goriest thing I've ever seen happens. Venom grabs Spidey's eye, tears it out, and smashes his teeth out. I covered my face so that the teeth wouldn't hit me, as they looked so real... Venom then grabbed poor Spidey and bit him... in half.
He tore him apart, and it really started to get disturbing. Flashes of dead people were on the screen. One looked like me. He was torn apart similarly to how Spider-Man was.
Wait, I hear a knocking at the door. Wonder who it is... OH MY GOD IT'S VENOM! OH GOD HELP ME!
''The following journal was found at the house of Thomas Jenkins, who was torn apart at the waist, with what appears to be bite marks at the area where the ribs end. He has been skinned and dismembered. The killer is still at large.''